Executive Assistant to the Associate Provost for Faculty Development and Culture and the Associate Provost for Academic Personnel
Team Takes on Cathy:
Conveys the spirit of ADVANCE and projects it externally and how she feels internally
Proactively assesses needs of the ADVANCE Team and the constituencies the ADVANCE Center serves
Thinks strategically about how to get things done by building institutional networks
High capacity to connect with individuals to achieve strategic results
Recognizes hierarchies and yet connects with people as humans
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
—Muhammad Ali
Contributions to the team:
As program coordinator and expert in human relations, Cathy’s positive organizational citizenship paired with her efficiency and competency to create events reflects the personal connection she embraces in her relationships. Proactive and strategic, Cathy facilitates the logistical arrangements that smooth the Team’s daily work. Her positivity, commitment, and practical nurturance permeate her efforts to build valuable institutional networks. Cathy’s smile and disposition conveys the spirit of the Team.