Former Master Facilitator Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream & Director of the Learning Hub Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Canada
Team Takes on Malayna:
Powerful in her empowerment of others
Seeks to understand, before seeking to be understood
Offers language to help the Team add meaning to what we are doing
Daring connector of ideas and people
Moves from awareness to action
These children were told, and encouraged…to be creative, to think for themselves, and to make sense. It is indeed because of such encouragement to the young that the increasingly ideological notions of freedom and democracy can be turned back upon the economically and politically powerful and made into truly transformative demands
—Jean Anyon, 1981
Contributions to the team:
Malayna enthusiastically joined the ADVANCE team in 2017. She collaboratively designed and facilitated the Change Agent course for faculty and staff. She contributed to ADVANCE's unit facilitations, qualitative designs for research, and writing projects.